Haulage Makes The World Go Round
Posted on 21st April 2022 at 17:11
UK haulage companies provide an essential service for people and businesses across the country. Almost everything we eat, wear and use depends on road haulage services.
The Industry
According to the Road Haulage Association, in 2021 the industry was worth £124Bn GVA to the UK economy.
With 493,600 commercial vehicles over 3.5 tonnes registered.
In 2020, the transport volume was 1.44 billion tonne-kilometres.
The average truck driver travels 140,000 miles a year, enough to drive around the entire Earth almost 6 times.
Three key risk factors associated with driving have been identified as fatigue, time pressure and distraction.
Most supermarkets would run our of food in just 3 days if haulage companies were unable to make any deliveries.
Specialist Haulage Team
As consumers, we are usually the first to complain when shelves are empty. Therefore, considering the intense nature of this industry and everything that goes on in the background, HI Commercial has a specialist Haulage sector insurance team, to support haulage business owners in Hull and East Yorkshire.
We seek out the best possible quotes for your individual requirements, policies that protect your people and the business.
Most importantly, our Haulage Team is on the other end of the phone to represent you when you need us in the event of an accident or incident.
Reducing Risk For Hauliers
We don’t need to remind you that as the owner of a Haulage company, you will be facing huge risks and issues everyday. With logistical complications, ongoing fuel price increases, traffic delays and accidents, all impacting the deliveries you are making on behalf of customers.
Haulage insurance covers the goods carried in the vehicle against theft, loss damage and also the consequences of delay. Hazardous goods and visits to dangerous sites must be specified, however, most insurers will offer some form of this policy if they cover haulage insurance.
While goods-in-transit insurance is not a legal requirement, it is recommended for businesses carrying goods on behalf of another party and covers liability resulting from loss of or damage to the goods. These types of insurance are critical to the activities of most haulage and transportation operators.
Plan For Safety
Safety planning aims to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads.
One in three deaths on UK roads involve one or more vehicles that are being driven for work. Police collision data from 2016 shows that 5,936 people were killed or seriously injured in a road traffic collision involving someone driving for work (DfT, 2017).
Supported by HI Commercial, you can be assured that our insurance policies are designed to give you peace-of-mind whilst your drivers are out on the road and, to provide you with the appropriate insurance cover, so that in the event of a claim against your business or another driver, we can progress the claim without delay, getting you back in the driving seat as quickly as possible.
It is important that drivers are properly educated – the quicker the relevant accident information is gathered and provided to insurers, the quicker the claims process can start, keeping overall claim costs low which will help keep your future insurance premiums down.
A smooth claims process will help get your drivers and vehicles back on the road quicker and will also help with maintaining and enhancing the reputation of your business, especially when third parties are involved.
Hauliers' Handbook
We have compiled a practical guide for your drivers to keep in the cab at all times. It includes comprehensive information to remove all doubt about what action to take and what to monitor on an ongoing basis:
What to do and what NOT to do in the event of an accident
After the accident
Reporting procedures
Windscreen and tyre safety
Mobile phone use
Vehicle security
Insurance policies and cover
Motoring and parking offences
Useful tips
Checklists and important documents
If you would like a copy of our handbook, please call 01482 247477 or email [email protected].
Road Haulage Association
The Road Haulage Association is promoting a number of campaigns to improve conditions for haulage companies and drivers’; facilities, skills and the environment. Visit HERE for more information.
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