Working from home, please don't send post to our office
Posted on 7th January 2021 at 13:23
Happy new year! We hope you, your family and your business are all well.
HI Commercial is operating as normal and we are here to assist you, however all of our advisers are currently working from home.
Until further notice, could we please ask that if you have any documents that require sending to us, that this is done by email where at all possible. Also, any payments for premiums to be made by either debit card or BACS, rather than sending in cheques to the office.
At your service, at your side, commercial insurance with a personal touch.
If you are struggling to communicate with your current insurers, or feel your broker doesn’t seem to work on your behalf, we would love to hear from you.
If you are not sure about your commercial insurance policies, please call HI Commercial on 01482 247 477 for peace of mind that you will be protected at all costs. At your service, at your side – commercial insurance with a personal touch.
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