Insurance protection is only as good as the information you provide, which means you must keep your business information up-to-date. 

As a client of HI Commercial, this won’t be a problem as we keep in touch throughout the year. For anyone else, as your renewal date approaches, if your current commercial insurance broker has not already requested any updates during the year and you have made changes within your organisation, your renewal cannot be compared with a new quote from scratch. 
Things that will affect your insurance policy include; either an increase or decrease in turnover, a new business line, additional machinery or equipment, new employees, or even something as simple as a change of business hours. All of these changes can increase the risk on which insurers base their figures. 
It is so important - particularly in the current climate - to be one hundred percent confident that you have adequate cover for your business. Any changes to your business must be recorded. 
If you are not sure about your commercial insurance policies, please call our team of professional insurance brokers at HI Commercial on 01482 247477 for peace of mind that you will be protected at all costs. At your service, at your side – commercial insurance with a personal touch. 
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